The confidentiality of your records is protected by federal and state law. You have the sole right to have this information released to whomever you wish or to have the release restricted at any time. We will require your signature before releasing confidential information. Without a signed authorization, information about your enrollment in this program will not be made available to a significant other, employer, lawyer, insurance company, or another client. Confidentiality is strictly enforced and your understanding in this area is greatly appreciated. If you feel you have witnessed a breach of confidentiality of your or another client’s information, please inform the program director. In emergency situations where serious medical harm is potential, our staff is required to release only medically necessary information about you to emergency medical workers and/or facilities. This will be limited to medical information necessary for you to receive appropriate emergency treatment.
By reading and signing that you have read this handbook, you indicate that you understand that in certain circumstances our licensed/certified staff is legally required to report suspicion of child/elder abuse.
Any crime committed against the clinic or observed by staff, by law, nullifies the confidentiality of the person committing the crime. Any theft of clinic or another’s personal property, destroying or damaging property, threat to or assault of staff or others, the sale or purchase of illicit substances will remove your right to the confidentiality of certain information. In particular, name, address, date of birth, social security number, gender, hair color, eye color or other identifying information will be released to the proper authorities for prosecution.
If your take-home medication is lost or stolen it should be reported to the police by you for your own protection. Once you accept take-home medication at the dosing window it is your responsibility the clinic will not replace this medication.